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Past Entries at a Glance

I've come crawling back to myself... - Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
The offspring of stars... - Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Seasonal Introspection... - Sunday, October 29, 2006
You are NOT bringing sexy back... - Thursday, November 02, 2006
High School gets SWAT-ed - Thursday, November 03, 2006

Don Mann: Focusing on my Craft

Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 - 9:08 p.m.

Well, I just got back from Anthro, and immediately afterwards I went food shopping. My mother gave me twenty bucks, and told me to go get dinner...whatever I want. So I decided to do something much ooler and use the twenty bucks to provide enough excellent food for about 5 meals. I've come to realize something rather important about myself. I'm a wicked huge fan of TONS of different vegetables. I raided the produce department like a whirlwind, and I'm going to stay the course on this whole vegetarian thing for at least a week or two now. I also got a load of fresh italian and french bread.

"What vegetarian thing?" you may ask. Well, the other night I was feeling kind of weird, and decided to not eat meat for the evening. Believe it or not, this was definitely unusual because my family has raised me on pork and beef all my life. If it wasn't the main course it was at least somewhere in the meal. Well, not anymore. I recently found out that when I was younger I very rarely ate meat, hell, I didn't even like it back then. So, for a change of pace, I'm cutting back on the meat once again. I'm going to be enjoying foods straight from the dirt for a while.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna turn into a beanie-wearing hemp-adorned PETA-Nazi or anything. I hate those kids. I'm just making my own choice for the hell of it. Granted, if someone cooks me up a slab of bacon or something with my eggs N toast, hell yeah I'm gonna eat it. I am just not going to make any motions on my own toward meat anymore. I mean, I'm plenty large enough without adding more cow to me.

Delve Into The Past - Onward Into The Future

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