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Past Entries at a Glance

I've come crawling back to myself... - Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
The offspring of stars... - Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Seasonal Introspection... - Sunday, October 29, 2006
You are NOT bringing sexy back... - Thursday, November 02, 2006
High School gets SWAT-ed - Thursday, November 03, 2006

Don Mann: Focusing on my Craft

Monday, Jan. 26, 2004 - 12:31 a.m.

What the hell am I doing.

I've gotten nothing done in the last few days, and it's like I'm starting to slowly tip down into some kind of set routine for my days. I can't even blame alcohol. I haven't had a drink in a week. I've gotten no writing done, very little reading done, and haven't even finished my financial aid paperwork for college.

It's time I get to work, I've got to keep myself in line. I need to focus on my craft because that's what this whole THING is about. Those big red words yelling at me from the top of every journal entry, the hollow echoes in my mind of my own voice telling me I must progress and develop myself. It's time for a change. I can't stop now, and damnit if you know me don't LET ME stop now.

I wrote a song with Jesse the other day and it's so close to finished but it's still hanging there, like a loose end of string on a sweater, begging for me to just FINISH IT.

I need more inspiration. I need a conduit to that muse which has fed me until now, I need to break out of this damned outine of waking up at 2pm and sitting around all day smoking. I don't even have gas in my car, haven't moved it in days.

Tomorrow I get myself in gear....tomorrow I will shatter this layer of ice around my life and once again MOVE.

Tomorrow I will live again...

Delve Into The Past - Onward Into The Future

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