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Past Entries at a Glance

I've come crawling back to myself... - Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
The offspring of stars... - Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Seasonal Introspection... - Sunday, October 29, 2006
You are NOT bringing sexy back... - Thursday, November 02, 2006
High School gets SWAT-ed - Thursday, November 03, 2006

Don Mann: Focusing on my Craft

Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2005 - 1:56 a.m.

So I dug up a bunch of...someone else's writing on my laptop.

Apparently someone thought it was a good idea to transcribe the conversations that occurred in my basement while my friends and I were all trashed.

This dates back to March 21, 2003...cue the insanity.


thisd is whaty is I knwo give me this ;a[top[ you did

hi gabe I lopve hyou

and iu lookec at myxelg, on my frloor...on do`uments.. rtem emb er my box.. n ut you kmniwe whtast...
lidten ohhh.. kiss my hand,,., listen.. me d]and mdean we are fdown,. and we de cieded ok,. ny cds.. adobe pre miere ... it took me so long,.. oh my gods.. ineec tyo gabe.... i tyhnkm you ahve osm ething special
buyt anyeay gabe.,. mel gibvosn.,.. hes so nit going to di it.. get that fucking mucnkey., i walk into my baement right,.. adobe preiere right.. its burnt... but the rsest of teh cds are fine.,... deans like... oooh gimme gikjem e....... so it loikee alright.... blahyg balh aslsh whisper wquisoer


don: gabe gabe im wachin thru an nvidia geforce 2mx knowhowicantell ynowhowikantell, i fuckin hate cher i fuckin hate the bitch, my mouth is full; of coconuts my mouth is full of fucking coconuts i want you to find this jack danels cuz his mouth is full of coconuts, you guys i want know to this, all the years youve been knowing me i been keeping a dark deep secent a deep dark black,

dean: you do not understand how i can take a mans lifeforce you have no idea

:don: you and dean we have the opnly secret in the world we know its not raining but that dont so keep pressing that hot contraband

dean leaves
no let me tell hyou a little secret..ok ....i thknm that you are gay.. youre fgay''''''.............. give me my holy comunion... i appreciate tha


clint dude im not gay im gunna eat your saliva

dean opk you see this is this a fresh this is a frsh donut domn: tee hee hee hee tehehehe

clint you need to put your penis in another guys ass then youll feel better gabe did you get that deans gay thats ok he had sedx witha man

don :you see when your drunk or you drank as much as me, you are in more touch with the world you can feel the world spinning...

Don :god ? god? theres good in this world then there an evil in this world, then there jess,... you see evil things beenfit from doing bad things to toher people, shes beyond evil cuza she doesnt get any benefit from doing all these evil things, i say we clone her, we could destroy the world!!!!!

I haven't come very far since then, it seems.

Delve Into The Past - Onward Into The Future

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