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I've come crawling back to myself... - Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
The offspring of stars... - Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Seasonal Introspection... - Sunday, October 29, 2006
You are NOT bringing sexy back... - Thursday, November 02, 2006
High School gets SWAT-ed - Thursday, November 03, 2006

Don Mann: Focusing on my Craft

Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2005 - 11:11 a.m.

TroubledTunaLoaf: i have it don
TroubledTunaLoaf: i have cool assed uncle syndrome
TroubledTunaLoaf: cant have kids
INDEED Don Mann: those who can't do, teach. Those who are unwilling to do, criticisize.
INDEED Don Mann: me and clint wrote that little epiphet
TroubledTunaLoaf: hey i just dont want kids personally
INDEED Don Mann: I want like, 2 kids
INDEED Don Mann: or maybe 3
TroubledTunaLoaf: you people gunna have enough that i can get my fair share
INDEED Don Mann: you people
INDEED Don Mann: lol
INDEED Don Mann: me and clint?
INDEED Don Mann: clint's waiting til he's like 30
TroubledTunaLoaf: not just u 2
INDEED Don Mann: what, fucking kyle?
INDEED Don Mann: lol
INDEED Don Mann: kyle as a daddy
INDEED Don Mann: I'm beside myself
TroubledTunaLoaf: aimee
TroubledTunaLoaf: my bro
TroubledTunaLoaf: i dunno
TroubledTunaLoaf: whoever still calls me friend
INDEED Don Mann: aimee, as a mom
INDEED Don Mann: scareeeeee
INDEED Don Mann: y
TroubledTunaLoaf: oya
TroubledTunaLoaf: haha
TroubledTunaLoaf: i think shed do well tho
INDEED Don Mann: jesus
TroubledTunaLoaf: just over stress tho
TroubledTunaLoaf: OVEr freakin stress
INDEED Don Mann: jen lincoln, hahaha
INDEED Don Mann: def mom material
TroubledTunaLoaf: holy crap
TroubledTunaLoaf: ya
INDEED Don Mann: she already is a mom
INDEED Don Mann: to you douches down there
INDEED Don Mann: while jeannie holds the pembroke fort
INDEED Don Mann: elly is the perfect wacky aunt
INDEED Don Mann: auntie eleanor
INDEED Don Mann: the artsy psycho hairdresser
INDEED Don Mann: meanwhile gabe is the gun-nut weapon freak uncle
INDEED Don Mann: who shows kids how to blow shit up
TroubledTunaLoaf: yes
TroubledTunaLoaf: they will come over
TroubledTunaLoaf: my bros kids or whatever
TroubledTunaLoaf: ill be like "Aww man i jsut attacked some m'80s to these arrows, wanna go blow up some trees?"
TroubledTunaLoaf: god i cant wait
INDEED Don Mann: and dean's like, the burned out musician turned philosopher who eventually will keep juggling odd business ventures until he finds one that requires no work
INDEED Don Mann: jesse's gonna turn into the happy housewife
INDEED Don Mann: who teachers her kids how to rip a dude's nuts off when he tries to get them to go all the way
INDEED Don Mann: teaches*
TroubledTunaLoaf: hehehe
INDEED Don Mann: nate and liz both mysteriously disappear, their remains found in a dumpster behind store 24
INDEED Don Mann: months later
TroubledTunaLoaf: nudge nudge wink wink
INDEED Don Mann: jeremy goes on to become a magazine formatting specialist, dies lonely and cold, bent over a dim monitor at age 55
INDEED Don Mann: from heart failure
TroubledTunaLoaf: your having alot of fun with this arent you
INDEED Don Mann: chris peeples becomes a film critic who's unabashed ideals get him thrown out of the business, so searching for work, settles down in hollywood as a porn director until he can make the money to direct his one dream horror film, which bankrupts him when it sells no tickets at the theatres, and flops because of a single popular critic's review, the same critic who replaced him years before
TroubledTunaLoaf: hahahahaha
TroubledTunaLoaf: im saving that 1
INDEED Don Mann: Aimee becomes a recluse, living in a big metro-style loft apartment in some major city, perpetually working shittier jobs and relying on whoever her husband is's pay, all the while creating incredible works of art which she never reveals to the public eye. After her death, the works are uncovered and hailed as a sign of the times, 20 years later. No records of who she was or what she was like remain, except for these works which are being exhibitioned worldwide.
INDEED Don Mann: all of them are pictures of cats.
INDEED Don Mann: which, in 70 years, become the master race
INDEED Don Mann: and take over the surface of the planet.
TroubledTunaLoaf: well they got the claws to doso
INDEED Don Mann: oya
TroubledTunaLoaf: they get thembs then we die
TroubledTunaLoaf: thumbs even
INDEED Don Mann: it's happenin
INDEED Don Mann: my cat had the 5th pad
INDEED Don Mann: you remember it
TroubledTunaLoaf: aimees cat tippy has like 8 7 5 and 5
INDEED Don Mann: hitchhiker's paw it's called
INDEED Don Mann: enables climbing up and down of trees
INDEED Don Mann: it'll evolve into a thumb eventually
TroubledTunaLoaf: mhmm
INDEED Don Mann: k wow it's 11 now
INDEED Don Mann: 4 hrs til worky jerky
INDEED Don Mann: owait
INDEED Don Mann: forgot jocelyn
INDEED Don Mann: Jocelyn graduates with high honors from MECA, and once out finds herself completely unable to shop her work. Out of luck and downtrodden, she partners up with a popular fiction writer, doing broad, elaborate illustrations. After many months of labor, he stiffs her, becomes famous, leaving her with nothing yet again. During her time working with him, she falls madly in love with him, and despite his betrayal becomes obsessed. Both of their remains are fished out of the Charles River, bound at the wrist in a traditional nordic marriage bond. The man's cause of death was several stab wounds to the chest, hers as concussion and drowning from when she threw herself, tied to this man, off of a bridge. The publishing company makes millions, and a new writer on the scene, Don Mann, picks up the story and becomes famous for his detailed recount of her slow decline into insanity.
INDEED Don Mann: I think that's everyone important, for now.

Delve Into The Past - Onward Into The Future

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