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I've come crawling back to myself... - Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
The offspring of stars... - Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Seasonal Introspection... - Sunday, October 29, 2006
You are NOT bringing sexy back... - Thursday, November 02, 2006
High School gets SWAT-ed - Thursday, November 03, 2006

Don Mann: Focusing on my Craft

Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 - 11:25 p.m.

The holidays are terrible.

I feel as though I'm being manipulated by some mass media machine to give presents to everyone on a certain day. Fuck you, world, I give presents all year long, in wittier and better ways than any fucking wrapping paper or decorative bag. It just feels so artificial sometimes when I get my mail and there's a letter from my distant relatives with 20 bucks in it. Why don't they do that any other time during the year? I don't know. I mean, it's good that the world is promoting a sort of selfless time in which we give, but if you only give because of the're useless. Also, I hate getting the most random shit from people. I got two packs of socks from two different relatives. White socks. A color I never wear. Looks like I found a good use for my black dye after all. When I give a good present whenever I feel it's necessary it's something I am positive the other person will appreciate. I don't rush and grab something at random just because "Time's Running Out For The Holidays". That's total bullshit.

I hate to be a grinch about this whole thing, but if those fucking whos gave a damn about the grinch to begin with they wouldn't be such cocksuckers to him all the time, they'd actually try and get to know the man.

Why are family get togethers always so uncomfortable? There's a new man in the family, my mother's boyfriend. The poor bastard can't even get a word out to anybody or even be heard because no one cares to listen. He must have felt like the most awkward son of a bitch tonight. If my family actually cared enough to get to know him during free time, or stopping over randomly to socialize, maybe they'd at least be prepared for the next big get together. He might be a huge asshole, or he might be a cool prick. At least you'd know, and you wouldn't have to ignore him for four hours during a holiday dinner which he prepared. It's wrong to avoid someone just because of a position it seems like they're filling, because maybe he's a good guy...just because it's not my fucking dad anymore doesn't mean you have to treat him like a shit.

I'm not taking sides here. I'm stating what ought to be the obvious simple truth. If I was a new guy at a store or other workplace, I wouldn't want all the employees to be like "Oh, I wish Harry was still here, this new guy's probably nothing like him or not a good guy so I won't even bother to talk to him...because he isn't our Harry."

Yeah, my father was a cool prick, but he's gone now, dead and cold and being a shitface to the guy who lives with us now isn't going to bring him back or save him any honor.

I hate the ways and behaviors of modern man. I wish I wasn't rapidly becoming more and more wasted every second or else I'd write some more of my strong thoughts in here. However, I'm having trouble even creating strong thoughts, so I must call it an evening.

Merry Christmas, you fucking robots...and yes, I did buy you some material object which will symbolize my care for you somehow. Enjoy it, because when the man is gone all you will have are the symbols and effigies of the past. Come and fucking get it.

~Don out.

*EDIT* Sorry for my hatred in this post. If I love you, you'd know it by now.

Delve Into The Past - Onward Into The Future

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