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Past Entries at a Glance

I've come crawling back to myself... - Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
The offspring of stars... - Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Seasonal Introspection... - Sunday, October 29, 2006
You are NOT bringing sexy back... - Thursday, November 02, 2006
High School gets SWAT-ed - Thursday, November 03, 2006

Don Mann: Focusing on my Craft

Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 - 4:00 a.m.

The day is done, and I will finally rest.

I was orginally going to spend the evening moping about my house or driving around like a fool searching for something I'll never find.

Instead, I went to see the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I went with the whole crew, and I must admit the experience was positive despite my negative attitude. I am still a master of hiding my true feelings in public places, even though I don't like to.

I have some minor regrets about not doing what I had planned for the evening, but I'm glad I saw everyone.

Oh yeah. The new version of that film should just be referred to as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacr-ed" and the tagline would go something along the lines of "You were sickened by the butchery onscreen, now be sickened by the butchery in the filmmaking."

Ponder this one. I have lyrics stuck in my head, mainly because they are suitable for my mindset.

"I knew a woman, who became a wife...these are the very words she used to describe her life: She says a good day ain't got no rain...a bad day's when I lie in bed and think of things that might have been."

Delve Into The Past - Onward Into The Future

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