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Past Entries at a Glance

I've come crawling back to myself... - Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010
The offspring of stars... - Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2006
Seasonal Introspection... - Sunday, October 29, 2006
You are NOT bringing sexy back... - Thursday, November 02, 2006
High School gets SWAT-ed - Thursday, November 03, 2006

Don Mann: Focusing on my Craft

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003 - 2:25 a.m.

When times get hard, it's hard to imagine they could ever improve.

When you haven't experienced death, it's hard to imagine you'll ever die.

When you're in the peak of happiness, it's hard to imagine the world crashing down on you.

I'm having a really difficult time in my logic class right now. The fact that I may have missed an exam could be the crushing blow to my grade that demolishes me.

However, I know that it is possible to catch back up, to improve. I know that in the next few weeks I could deliver the deciding blow in response to this mess I've gotten myself into.

I'm not going to let it bring me down. Tomorrow, Max Payne 2 gets released. Then, to make matters even better, on November Fourth a little band known as Tenacious D will release their masterworks dvd. Also, I need to go halloween shopping really soon and deck out my house. These are new and wonderful experiences waiting for me in the near future.

My eyes are ever focused forward, I'll take on the foes fate throws at me head on, and never look back on the corpses.

My personal quote for today:

"People who dwell on the past die in the present, and are forgotten in the future."

~Don out

Delve Into The Past - Onward Into The Future

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